Projects 3Dsensation

Basic Projects

Based on the results of overlapping observations, the expert groups 3D information intake, processing and transfer as well as the expert group focusing on human beings deduced a variety of projects. The alliance attaches great importance to these projects in order to pursue their activities. That is why they selected and presented these projects to the advisory board in order to recommend funding due to their relevance, synergy potential, technical and methodical challenges, economic significance and transsectoral and interdisciplinary characteristics.

To Basic Projects


Joint Projects

The support instrument joint projects forms an essential factor for the development of the alliance. In order to achieve the highest possible quality for projects, the realization of these support instruments occurs without thematic restrictions or specialized projects calls. Each member of the alliance is asked to design and propose projects with the help of the network. Strategic important partners who have not yet joined the alliance can also be included.

To Joint Projects